We’ve added a new feature which allows you to encode your own video files off-line, and then upload them for your multi-bitrate On-Demand streaming video. Read More

247 Platform Announcements
Need to limit the websites you embed your video in? Don’t want a particular site sharing your content, or want to limit to two or three partner sites? We’ve now added Referrer settings so you can do just that! Read More
We’re happy to announce that the 247 Platform is working well with streaming to PlayStation 4′s in-build browser, giving another way for your viewers to connect and watch your content on their TV!
If you’re wanting to stream to devices such as PlayStation 4′s, drop us an email at info@247platform.com, twitter @247platform, or simply head over to http://console.247platform.com/register/ and create your free account!
We’ve just finished implementing new email subscription controls into the 247 Platform, so you can better choose which emails you receive. We will soon be sending out more detailed information via email regarding your accounts activities, and also more updates from this Blog and other product information news. We will only send information regarding to the 247 Platform, and won’t pass on your information to 3rd parties.
The email controls are available on your 247 Platform Console at http://console.247platform.com/settings/email-preferences
Over the last year the 247 Platform has grow at an outstanding rate. We’ve more hours of video being served each day, and our features in the API and website have grown as our users have asked to do new and interesting things with the service. One thing that’s struggled to keep up however is our documentation and help site.
Today we’re launching two new things. First, a Wiki containing our API and site documentation and help, so people can quickly look up what they need and we can keep up with the rate of change so developers can use the new things. The other is this blog, which we’ll use to announce new services and changes to the 247 Platform.
The Wiki can be found at http://docs.247platform.com/ . We’re working to get all the new API calls on there, along with the rest of the site documentation.